Join the list-serve of local and national organizations advocating for girls:

Explore Chicago and Nationwide Reports (CUG Recommended Reports):

Let Her Learn: Stopping School Pushout: Overview and Key Findings

The Sexual Abuse to Prison Pipeline: The Girls Story

The Status of Girls 2017: Emerging Truths and Troubling Trends

Women and Girls of Color: Addressing Challenges and Expanding Opportunities

Healthy Chicago 2.0

Generation STEM

Black Girls Matter: Pushed Out, Overpoliced, and Underprotected

STEM 2026
CUG Recommended Books
Resources Created By Our Steering Committee Members

Chapter 11: Girls and Trauma: Performing Socio-Surgery through a Gender-Responsive Lens, Sherida Morrison and T-wannda Piper review a compilation of research that examines the physiological, psychological, and social effects of trauma in girls. Together, they discuss the Trauma Print, "a psychosocial imprint representing the enormity and impact of adverse childhood experiences on an individual that can affect their engagement with each socio-ecological sphere of influence".

They’re All The Same Girl, a literary guide sharing her journey working with our girls and building the highly regarded Polished Pebbles Girls Mentoring Program. Kelly Fair delivers turn-key tactics and shares insight on successfully garnering support from volunteers, schools, civic and corporate partners.

Whose Little Girl Am I
This is a collection of lived and observed female experiences. The ups, the downs, the let downs and the victory. This is a collection of our experiences. Women young and old can relate to this collection of monologues.
By Kisha Roberts-Tabb, Kimyona Roberts, et al.

Bongo Beads
The Bongo Beads are handmade beads by Tanzanian high school students who are orphans. Our Reel Beauty girls hand make these beads every Saturday at the Uzima Centre in Mwanza Tanzania to help pay for their education and transportation to school. Please purchase your beads today to support our girls in Africa. Thank you for your support. Deida Massey.

Every Girl Is A CEO
An essential career and success guide by award-winning social entrepreneur, girls advocate and mentor, Kelly Fair. Fair, Founder and Executive Director of Polished Pebbles Girls Mentoring Program

The Foundation of Beauty is an unparalleled read about knowing who you are as it relates to self-esteem, self-worth, and fortifying your confidence. With 10 years of mentorship under her belt, Deida Massey shares transparent experiences, both personal and professional, of her own challenges with self-esteem along with beauty tips from her 16-year career as a celebrity makeup artist.